The suffix (last 4 digits) of the credit card number.
The amount that will be charged at the frequency specified in the payment agreement.
The current charge cycle number.
The payment agreement charge frequency.
The timestamp for when the payment instrument was added. The timestamp format is ISO8601.
A description of the payment agreement
The payment agreement end date and time. The timestamp format is ISO8601.
The month of the expiry date of the credit card.
The year of the expiry date of the credit card.
The timestamp the payment agreement was last updated in the container. The timestamp format is ISO8601.
The timestamp the payment agreement was last used in the container. The timestamp format is ISO8601. Will be null if never used.
The payment agreement payment instrument id that will be used for the charges.
The payment token of the payment agreement. The payment token is a unique identifier for the payment agreement.
The payment agreement start date and time. The timestamp format is ISO8601.
The status of the payment agreement in the container.
The payment agreement type.