
WPay Javascript SDK

This project contains a npm module that can facilitate applications accessing the WPay API.

:memo: The SDK is currently in development. Therefore parts may change.

The SDK is written in Javascript with Typescript definitions being published which means that type definitions will be available for client developers. Client applications can be written in Typescript or plain Javascript.


The SDK is has the following core design philosophies.

  1. Technology agnostic. Different browser applications may have different technology choices and an SDK shouldn't force an application to depend on a different technology stack as this bloats the build and increases complexity.

  2. Swappable. Don't like a particular implementation of a part in the SDK, then swap it out for another object that "implements" the correct interface.

The SDK is comprised of:

  • An API layer which knows how to communicate with the WPay API
  • An authentication abstraction layer.

Applications have the flexibility to plug in different implementations of the interfaces to allow particular technology choices (eg: choice of HTTP client library). This makes it very easy to use the SDK in an existing project, without necessarily introducing extra dependencies.

Authentication layer

In order to access protected APIs, the SDK will need to know how to authenticate with the API or a gateway that protects the API. The ApiAuthenticator interface abstracts how the SDK authenticates from the rest of the API interface. Applications that have a preexisting authentication workflow can either update the relevant classes to implement the ApiAuthenticator interface, or provide an Adapter to make the existing authentication details available to the SDK.

HTTP layer

As the WPay SDK uses the api-sdk-creator project, the HTTP stack is swappable when the SDK is created.

Reference Application

A Reference Application is available to demonstrate the use of the SDK.

TODO: Reference app


The SDK follows Semantic Versioning principles. As such if the API specification changes in a way that introduces breaking changes (eg: path change or data changes) the major version of the SDK will be increased.

The SDK currently supports version 1.0.5 of the API spec.

Getting started

Read the 📘 SDK reference docs for more information on the different types in the SDK.

Example usage

These examples use the @api-sdk-creator/axios-http-client HttpClient


If using the SDK in a project with a bundler (eg: Webpack) the SDK can be installed via NPM and imported like any other module. However because the module is currently private users will need access to the NPM repository.

$ npm install @wpay/sdk
$ npm install @api-sdk-creator/axios-http-client

If using the SDK via a <script> tag, the WPay global will be made available

<!-- Found in the @api-sdk-creator/axios-http-client repo -->
<script type="javascript" src="axios-http-client.js" />

<!-- For customer only -->
<script type="javascript" src="wpay-wallet-sdk.customer.js" />

<!-- For merchant only -->
<script type="javascript" src="wpay-wallet-sdk.merchant.js" />

<!-- For everything -->
<script type="javascript" src="wpay-wallet-sdk.all.js" />

const sdk = WPay.createCustomerSDK(AxiosHttpClient.createAxiosHttpClient, options);
// mandatory options
const options = {
  apiKey: "<your key here>",
  baseUrl: "https://api.wpay.com/api"

Accessing an unauthenticated API

const { createAxiosHttpClient } = require("@api-sdk-creator/axios-http-client");
const { createCustomerSDK } = require("@wpay/sdk");

const sdk = createCustomerSDK(createAxiosHttpClient, options);

await sdk.admin.checkHealth();

Using a preprovided access token

If an access token is acquired outside the SDK, it can be given to the SDK and used for as long as the token is valid.

const { createCustomerSDK } = require("@wpay/sdk");

options.accessToken = aquireAccessToken();

const sdk = createCustomerSDK(createAxiosHttpClient, options);

await sdk.preferences.get();

Using an ApiAuthenticator

If a client application wants to wrap an existing application authentication strategy then a custom ApiAuthenticator can be given to the SDK. However it becomes the responsibility of the client application to manage that token.

(This example is written in Typescript so that type information can be used).

const { createCustomerSDK } = require("@wpay/sdk");

const authenticator: ApiAuthenticator = createAuthenticator();
options.accessToken = authenticator;

const sdk = createCustomerSDK(createAxiosHttpClient, options);

await sdk.preferences.get();


To build the SDK from source

$ npm run dist


The SDK reference docs are generated using JSDoc

$ npm run doc


Currently, publishing requires write access to the @wpay NPM organisation.